1. It will be easier to join ASIS – the application stays the same, but the experience and process is simplified. The website to join remains Become a Member | ASIS International.
2. If members want to purchase multiple products from the ASIS store with their membership – with this new process they can now do that AND they will receive the member discount! For example – someone may decide to add membership and a webinar to their cart – the webinar will be discounted to FREE at checkout due to the customer being recognized as a new member upon purchase.
3. Regardless of when someone joins, their membership will be good for one FULL year (At this time, if you joined in March – though you’d pay full price, you’d only receive membership for 9 more months). Now, if they join on 9 March 2024 – their expiration date will not be until 8 March 2025.
4. Once you join – your expiration date always stays the same unless you lapse your membership – then you would need to rejoin the association. So if your membership expiration date is 31 Dec 2024, it will always be that date, unless you lapse your membership.
5. Expiration dates will appear in a member’s My Account section and multiple reminders will be sent out via ASIS International upon renewal time.
6. Members continue to have the ability to sign up for auto renewal and save 5% or renew for three years in advance to save 10% AND lock in the current price.
7. To further remove potential barriers for joining, soon members will have the option to pay by PayPal and we will continue to explore alternative payment options.
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